This is an old revision of the document!

Our Space

Our space is where we meet, keep our tools and do really stuff. Hopefully this will give you some background of where we are located, what we have in terms of equipment and where everything is.


The location of Chatt*lab is in the Hamilton County Business Development Center at the corner of Cherokee Blvd and Manufacturers.


Our address is: Chatt*lab Makerspace
100 Cherokee Blvd; STE 125
Chattanooga, TN 37405

How to get to our door

The easiest way to get to our door is to access the BDC lot from the Manufacturers entrance. Go to the alley between the BDC and the Heaven and Ale Brewery. Our door is accessible from that alley. If it's not open, ring the doorbell. Please note that you can't park in the BDC lot during business hours without a parking pass. See Parking for more info on this.


Parking is one of the most common questions we have to answer. The BDC parking lot is by permit only during business hours. After 5pm or on weekends, it is okay to park there. You won't be towed. During business hours there are other alternatives including the triangle lot across the railroad tracks (near FoodWorks), the Republic Parking lot which you can stay all day for $6. But Please do not park in the BDC lot during business hours. You will get towed, and our landlords will not be happy. We want to be honorable tenants.


2017/08/28 15:14

Space Layout


DescriptionWoodLabMetal ShopCraftingElectronicsAdvanced Manufacturing
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Type normal wiki markup here. Links will be automatically detected and used in the image map.

Here are some details of our space. It's 3,000 square feet and has the following areas:

Meeting Space

This general area is where we meet, watch movies, host LAN parties, teach workshops or work on projects at a table or workbench. The configuration can change from time to time. Here are some of the features of this space:

  • Tables - The tables can be moved or removed as needed. Please make sure they're clean after you're done.
  • Workbenches - These benches allow for more robust work. One of them is used primarily for soldering and electronics.
  • Shelves - Our shelves have tools and materials available for member use. Return tools to their proper location.
  • Front Projector - There is a projector for multimedia presentations. See here for instructions.
  • Side Projector - There is another projector for an additional screen. See here for instructions.
  • Soundbar Audio system - The soundbar can be used for presentations or just cranking tunes. Instructions.
  • Fire Cabinet - All highly combustible items is to be stored in our flame cabinet. Keep door closed when not using.

Metal Lab

This room is where we do our metal work using some specialized equipment. Check the Metal Shop department for the equipment available.

Grizzly G4000 Metal Lathe

Loading Bay

This area is where we

  • Load large items from the street that are wider than 3 feet.
  • Store some of our long metal stock.
  • Do our general welding
  • Do our painting and staining of things that stink (stains, spray paint, etc).

When welding or painting/staining, there's a sliding door that can be pulled closed to prevent dangerous arcs from damaging others' eyes and to keep the smell limited to that area. The door can be opened as necessary to get fresh air to the person working.


The Corridor is just a pass through from the BDC hallway to the main space, but we utilize part of this area for several items including

  • Snacks

    Our Snacks are purchased from bulk suppliers and sold at or near cost. We don't have a formal snack machine, so things are laid out for purchase with the honor system. There's a bucket for bills, and a bucket for change. The soda machine charges 50 cents per can.


    2017/08/28 15:14
  • Card Catalog

    Here we have all kinds of consumables used here and there. The index below may help locate what you're looking for in the drawers

    Duct Tape53
    Zip Ties52
    R1Door Parts TheadlockEpoxyGlueIndex Cards
    R2 String Hot Glue GunsSuper GlueGorilla Glue
    R3 Avery LabelsHot Glue SticksMagnetsRubber Bands
    R4 Ziplock BagsPost-it NotesCable TiesDymo Labels
    R5Nitrile GlovesBatteriesWood PencilsStaples SmallDuct TapeSteel Wool
    R6 Tacks BrushesScissorsDry Erase MarkersAluminum TapePens
    R7ShimsAltoids TinsT-bolts and Knobs Double Stick TapeColor Markers
    R8Sanding DisksSanding PadsSilica Gel Packs Scotch TapeSharpies
    R9 Easter EggsTape1/4“ HeatshrinkHeatShrink Tubing
    R10 Electrical Tape
    R11 Straws
    R12 Fire Extenguishers SignPacking Tape

    Label doc: cardcataloglabels.xlsx

    2017/08/28 15:14
  • Member Storage. Each member is supplied a 27 gallon bin to keep their personal property and supplies. If you don't have yours yet, look for an empty bin with a blank label on it and write your name on it.
  • Pull-A-Part salvage yard. These shelves contain parts that we have been given, salvaged or dumpster dived. All parts are for your projects. Take it and make it.


The WoodLab is a nearly fully functional woodshop, including a paint booth. This page outlines many of the pieces of equipment, ways of reaching out for help as well as reference materials used to support the WoodLab.

If you use this area, please be sure to be famliar with all of the posted rules..

Report all Injuries
  • Do not attempt to remove foreign objects from the eye or body.
  • If chemicals get in the eye(s), wash eye(s) for 15 minutes in an open flow of water before proceeding for medical treatment.
Use protective gear. Dress right.
  • Wear eye protection: safety glasses with side shields, goggles, or face shields at all times, whether working or not!!
  • Do not wear loose-fitting clothing around moving or rotating machinery.
  • Remove ties, jewelry, gloves, etc. especially around moving or rotating machinery.
  • Tie back or cover long hair to keep it away from moving machinery.
  • Wear only shoes that cover the entire foot, no open-toe shoes.
  • Wear suitable gloves when handling hot objects, glass, or sharp-edged items.
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the job (i.e., do not wear short sleeve shirts or short pants when welding).
  • Safety is your top priority when using the shop. If you are not sure what you are doing, ask.
  • Know all the locations of all first aid, fire, and safety equipment.
  • Never use a tool unless you’ve been trained to use it safely.
  • Do not work in the shop if tired, or in a hurry.
  • Do not fool around, startle, or distract anyone (not even with a conversation) while either one of you is using a tool.
  • Think through the entire job before starting. Prepare prints or drawings with all dimensions and specifications prior to using machines.
Use tools properly
  • Use tools only as they were designed to be used. (A wrench is not a hammer.)
  • Never use a broken tool.
  • Report any broken tools or machines immediately.
  • Do not remove tools from Chattlab Makerspace.
  • Never walk away from a tool that is still running.
  • A hard hammer shouldn’t be used to strike a hardened tool, wood tool or any machine part. Use a soft-faced hammer.
  • Operate machines only with all required guards and shields in place. Return guards if they must be removed.
Clean Up
  • Clean up every time whenever you leave an area, including sweeping the floor.
  • Clean and return all tools to where you got them.
  • Use compressed air sparingly; never aim it at another person or use it to clean hair or clothes.
  • Shut off and unplug machines when cleaning, repairing, or oiling.
  • Never use a rag near moving machinery.
  • Use a brush, hook, or a special tool to remove chips, shvings, etc. from the work area. Never use the hands.
  • Keep fingers clear of the point of operation of machines by using special tools or devices, such as, push sticks, hooks, pliers, etc.
  • Keep the floor around machines clean, dry, and free from trip hazards. Do not allow chips to accumulate.
  • Mop up spills immediately and put a chair or cone over them if they are wet enough to cause someone to slip.
Project/Wood Storage
  • If clamping work, leave note on when it’s safe to remove clamps.
  • Any projects left overnight must be cleared with the area lead.
  • Do not store wood unless you are renting space, or cleared with Area Lead. Otherwise it’ll be thrown away or put in free bin.

  • Ryobi Chopsaw

    put info on our Chopsaw here.


    2017/08/28 15:14
  • Delta Drill Press

    put info on our drill press here.


    2017/08/28 15:14
  • Router Table

    put info on our Router Table here.


    2017/08/28 15:14
  • Dust Collector


    Our dust collector is designed to capture the majority of the dust our larger sawdust making machines. It uses a Harbor Freight system that has been modified to incorporate Oneida Systems Super Dust Deputy cyclone to capture most of the debris, and a Wynn Environmental MERV 15 air filter to keep the fine particulates down.


    2017/08/28 15:14
WoodLab Equipment Materials

Tool/Machine Item Specification Suggested Item
Banks 23 gauge pin nailer 23 gauge pin nails 1/2“ to 1” 23 ga pin nail variety pack
Bostitch 18 gauge brad nailer SB-125BN 18 gauge brad nails 5/8“ to 1-1/4” 5/8 inch 1 inch 1.25 inch Variety pack
Bostitch 18 gauge brad nailer BT1855K 18 gauge brad nails 5/8“ to 2” 5/8 inch 1 inch 1.25 inch 2 inch Variety pack
Numax combo brad/stapler 18 gauge brad nails 3/8“ to 2”, Staples 1/2“ to 1-5/8” 18 ga brad variety pack Staple Variety pack
Bostitch 16 gauge finish nailer 1664FN 16 gauge finish nails 1 to 2.5 in 1.25 inch 2 inch 2.5 inch


Tool/Machine Item Specification Provided By Suggested Item
Bosch JS470EB-RT Jigsaw T-shank jigsaw blades Member 15 piece jigsaw set
Grizzly Table Saw 12 inch circular saw blade Chattlab 12 inch blade
Kobalt Sliding Compound Miter Saw 12 inch circular saw blade Chattlab 12 inch blade
Craftsman bandsaw 80 inch bandsaw blade Chattlab 1/8"x14tpi 1/4"x6tpi
ShopFox bandsaw 105 inch bandsaw blade Chattlab 1/2" blade 3/8" blade 1/4" blade


Chattlab tries to keep some sandpaper sleeves/belts on the larger machines, but not a huge variety of everything you may need. You are encouraged to purchase a supply for yourself if you are doing a large amount of sanding, and store in your storage bin. Hand sanders listed below all require member-provided sandpaper. Please plan accordingly.

Tool/Machine Item Specification Provided By Suggested Item
Oscillating Spindle Sander Sanding Sleeves Chattlab (150 grit only) 150 grit sanding sleeves
Oscillating Belt Sander 4“x24” Sanding Belts Chattlab (150 grit only) sanding belt variety


You may find wood glue in the shop, but it's not something we regularly stock.

Drill bits

Drill bits are not provided, though some leave a supply.

2020/03/16 01:45 · Jeff Johnson
Frequently Asked Questions
WoodLab Questions

Question Answer/Reference
Where can I find the general rules of what I can and can't do in the Woodshop/WoodLab? We have a list of WoodLab Rules posted here, and on the wall in the shop.
What if I have a large project? We have limited space, so when this happens, you need to contact the WoodLab area manager and they will advise you where to put it as you work on it. You'll be asked how large, how long you need space, etc. We try to work with you, but it's not allowed to tie up tables for long term as it's not fair to the other members.
Does the Woodshop have a (planer, jointer, etc…) Look here for what equipment we have in the WoodLab
How do I know what nails to get for the nail guns you have? Check out our WoodLab workshop materials guide where we list what nailers we have, as well as links to where you can buy nails that fit these guns
Do you provide wood glue and screws so I can make my project? No, those are considered consumables and you have to supply your own. Please see our Materials Guide for more information.
Is there safety equipment for me to use? Yes, we provide eye protection and ear protection.

2020/06/24 18:18

Frequently Asked WoodLab Questions

WoodLab Questions

Question Answer/Reference
Where can I find the general rules of what I can and can't do in the Woodshop/WoodLab? We have a list of WoodLab Rules posted here, and on the wall in the shop.
What if I have a large project? We have limited space, so when this happens, you need to contact the WoodLab area manager and they will advise you where to put it as you work on it. You'll be asked how large, how long you need space, etc. We try to work with you, but it's not allowed to tie up tables for long term as it's not fair to the other members.
Does the Woodshop have a (planer, jointer, etc…) Look here for what equipment we have in the WoodLab
How do I know what nails to get for the nail guns you have? Check out our WoodLab workshop materials guide where we list what nailers we have, as well as links to where you can buy nails that fit these guns
Do you provide wood glue and screws so I can make my project? No, those are considered consumables and you have to supply your own. Please see our Materials Guide for more information.
Is there safety equipment for me to use? Yes, we provide eye protection and ear protection.

2020/06/24 18:18 · Jeff Johnson

Support Contacts

Contact Link Description
WoodLab Team WoodLab email list. This list is all our woodworkers that help support our equipment.
WoodLab Area Lead Area Lead contact info.
Equipment/Material Request This form will allow members to request new equipment or supplies.
Wiki Updates Click here to report something wrong with the WoodLab page.

Reference Materials

2020/03/05 01:47 · Jeff Johnson


The FabLab gives us the ability to bring our ideas into physical form. We mainly use 3D printers for Modeling and Laser Cutters for 2D Cutouts.


  • Do not leave trash in the FabLab!
  • If you are working on a project and must leave, please leave a dated note to prevent others from disturbing it. If a project is without a note, has been left longer that 48 hours, or is an obstruction to others' projects, it may be moved.
  • Leave the existing workstations in the same state as they were before you used them. Software updates and new software for your projects are fine. If a new program starts an item on boot, please disable it.
  • Report any maintenance issues as soon as possible. This includes the facility, hardware and software.
  • If you wish to use other operating systems, only run them off removable media. The PCs have software that is expensive and its integrity should be respected.
  • Do not use the PCs to view pornographic material. Neither members nor their guests should be made to feel uncomfortable.
  • Do not set the heat higher than 25C. This is to prevent damage to hardware and ensure the comfort of members.

Clean Up

  • Return chairs to the workstations if you move them.
  • Leave a clear area for others to work on repair if you are working on a hardware project.
  • If you see trash, throw it out, even if it is not yours.
  • If something presents a trip hazard, please move it.
  • Turn off the lights if you are the last person to leave.


  • PC Lab Computers

    Computer RAM HDD GPU Model Service Tag Benchmark
    Picard 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB GTX 650 Sleeper N/A 500
    Riker 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Quadro K620 Optiplex 7010 2L8QCZ1 500
    Data 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Quadro K620 Optiplex 7010 2KPRCZ1 500
    Troi 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Quadro K620 Optiplex 7010 3F0BP22 500
    Worf 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Quadro K620 Optiplex 7010 5T1DFZ1 500
    Crusher 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Integrated Optiplex 7010 2W08X12 500
    LaForge 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Integrated Optiplex 7010 2KQRCZ1 500
    Gunan 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Integrated Optiplex 7010 6G07BZ1 500
    Q 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Integrated Optiplex 7010 70Y4BZ1 500
    Yar 4GB, PC3-128000 250GB Integrated Optiplex 7010 F9DQCZ1 500

    2020/07/12 21:17
  • Printers
    • laser printer
    • color poster printer
    2020/06/11 01:28 · jeff_bedard

Frequently Asked Questions

Support Contacts

Contact Link Description
Equipment/Material Request This form will allow members to request new equipment or supplies.
Wiki Updates Click here to report something wrong with the FabLab page.

2017/08/28 15:14
