Lightburn Workshop Cheat Sheet

This page holds links and references for the Lightburn Workshop.


Inkscape is an open source program that works on Linux, Windows and Mac. It is comparable to many expensive drawing programs. Everything you might ever want to make on the laser cutter can be designed in Inkscape

For more details on Inkscape and how to configure it properly, go here


Lightburn is the software that allows you to configure your drawing and use on the Gweike LC1390N laser cutter. More information Here.

Shared Drive

ChattLab has a Network Access Storage (NAS) device that we store files between systems and provide a place for you to store your files and move them between systems easily.

On ChattLab computers, this drive is the L:\ drive and has a Users folder that you can create your own folder to store your files. Please note, your files would be available to others to see, this is not a secure location, so do not store files you don't want others to be able to access.

Our L drive maps to \\\chattlab-public\ . Please use that information when connecting to your laptop. (see pictures below for an example on how to do this on a Windows 10 laptop/PC. NOTE: If it requires you to put in credentials, please use chattlab/makestuff as the id/password.

Here are some notes about this drive:

  • You must be on our network to set this up or use the L:\ drive. The password to the wifi is makestuff.
  • Any personal information stored should be put in your folder in the users subdirectory.
  • If you create your own directory in users subdirectory, make it identifiable to you, not some weird user id like “maverick72”. We need to know WHOSE directory it is.
  • Your user folder will be visible to others, so don't store any personal information.
  • We reserve the right to remove files that are not related to Chattlab. Acceptable files are the kinds of things you would use on a CNC or the like, it's not a place to store your personal pictures.
  • We do not back this repository up, so there is no guarantee of uptime and availability. Please maintain your own backup.
  • Questions regarding this NAS should be directed to Zac, the PC Lab manager.

For more instructions on how to create your own L drive, please go here.


Automator Application for macOS Users

*This Automator Application only works when you're connected to our internal network. It is not possible to remotely connect to the NAS at this time.

2021/01/27 13:42 · admin

Laser Cutter How To

This link will show you the rough information and instructions on using the 1390.