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wiki:how_to [2020/03/14 14:12] Jeff Johnsonwiki:how_to [2020/07/13 04:04] (current) – [Advanced Topics] Jeff Johnson
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 Here are some links to the basics of editing information on our wiki: Here are some links to the basics of editing information on our wiki:
-[[wiki:syntax|Formatting Syntax]]- All the basics of the +[[wiki:syntax|Formatting Syntax]]- All the basics of the markup language, though some of it can appear somewhat advanced. 
 +**Creating a page** - Simply put in the address https://wiki.chattlab.org/**new_page** , where new_page is the page you want to create. When you see the "Page Does not Exist", just edit the page and enter your markup text. Save.  **NOTE**, if your page is to be in a defined namespace you'll want to use the address similar to: https://wiki.chattlab.org/**namespace**/new_page. 
 +**Deleting a page** - Simply edit the page, and delete on the markup language on the page and it save. 
 +===== Advanced Topics ===== 
 [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:include|Page Include Flags]] - Do you want to have a page (or part of a page) linked into a document? This is the reference page for it that shows you what flags you can use. [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:include|Page Include Flags]] - Do you want to have a page (or part of a page) linked into a document? This is the reference page for it that shows you what flags you can use.
-[[https://www.tablesgenerator.com/mediawiki_tables|Table Generator]] - Do you want to make a complicated table with spanning rows or columns? This link will help you figure that out. 
 +[[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables|Table Syntax/Formatting]] - This helps you with formatting table data.
 +[[https://www.tablesgenerator.com/mediawiki_tables|Table Generator]] - Do you want to make a complicated table with spanning rows or columns? This link will help you figure that out.
 [[https://wiki.chattlab.org/sidebar?do=edit|Edit Sidebar]] - This link will put you in the edit mode for the sidebar of our wiki. [[https://wiki.chattlab.org/sidebar?do=edit|Edit Sidebar]] - This link will put you in the edit mode for the sidebar of our wiki.