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Table of Contents
Steel is stored in the loading bay. Store on racks when possible. Material code rules apply.
Wood is stored in the woodshop, with long stuff on the racks, and sheet goods in the sheet storage area that is near the dust collector. Material code rules apply.
Sheetrock Screws
Flammable Materials
All flammable materials (stains, paint thinners, etc) are to be stored in the flammable materials cabinet that are in the main space. It is absolutely critical that the doors to the cabinet stay closed after you have used it.
Vinyl and Transfer tape
We have some vinyl there for our members, but you must pay for what you use so we can replenish our stores. Vinyl costs $1 per linear foot, and the same for transfer tape. Put money to replace what you use in the box labeled “Vinyl Consumables”.
3D Printer Filament
Space filament is $.10 a gram. All filament used, failed or successful must be weighed and paid for.
Personal Materials
All personal materials are to be stored in the member's 27 gallon tote or any area that the member is paying rent specifically for, such as an extra tote or a material shelf. Any materials left around are subject to disposal.