This is an old revision of the document!


Members are allowed, and encouraged to bring guests. No one will hassle you about a non-member being there. However, there are some guidelines we want you to follow.

Liability Waiver

All guests and visitors MUST sign a liability waiver. They can be found in the front mailboxes. Put the signed waiver in the “signed waivers” slot. They just need to do this once. Future visits don't require a new form provided they've signed one before. If there is a minor, there's a different form.

Member must be present

Don't bring in a guest and leave. If you leave, your guests must go with you.

Clean Up

Just like anyone else, things need to be left cleaner than when they started using them.

Alcohol and drugs

The BDC doesn't allow alcohol on the property, nor does ChattLab allow alcohol in our suite for a number of reasons including insurance compliance and member safety. We have a zero tolerance policy on any liquor, beer, wine or recreational substances. The only alcohol allowed is isopropyl!