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Special Roles

The following roles are areas where we have identified a need to help make our makerspace a more innovative, cleaner, safer and more functional place to hang out, create or socialize.

In cases where we have a volunteer helper, that person is listed here. Selecting that person's image will take you to a contact form where you can reach them.

Also it should be noted, that people that help fulfill these roles get a slightly lower membership rate for their service (50/month instead of 60/month). See Jeff for details.

Role Description Volunteer
Circuit Lab Assistant This person would help the current Circuit Lab manager with different tasks as defined by the current manager of that area, including helping to organize, develop signage, clean up and make improvements to the area. This should be for someone that has a genuine interest in this area. This person would also answer member questions and act as #2 in charge of that area. Available!
CraftLab Assistant This person would help the current CraftLab manager with different tasks as definec by the current manager of that area, including helping to organize, develop signage, clean up and make improvements to the area. This should be for someone that has a genuine interest in this area. This person would also answer member questions and act as #2 in charge of that area. Available!
FabLab Assistant This person would help the current FabLab manager with different tasks as defined by the current manager of that area, including helping to organize, develop signage, clean up and make improvements to the area. This should be for someone that has a genuine interest in this area. This person would also answer member questions and act as #2 in charge of that area. Available!
PC Lab Assistant This person would help the current PC Lab manager with different tasks as defined by the current manager of that area, including helping to organize, develop signage, clean up and make improvements to the area. This should be for someone that has a genuine interest in this area. This person would also answer member questions and act as #2 in charge of that area. Available!
MetalLab Assistant This person would help the current MetalLab manager with different tasks as defined by the current manager of that area, including helping to organize, develop signage, clean up and make improvements to the area. This should be for someone that has a genuine interest in this area. This person would also answer member questions and act as #2 in charge of that area. Available!
WoodLab Assistant This person would help the current WoodLab manager with different tasks as defined by the current manager of that area, including helping to organize, develop signage, clean up and make improvements to the area. This should be for someone that has a genuine interest in this area. This person would also answer member questions and act as #2 in charge of that area.

Signage Manager Responsibilities for this role include taking requests from the leadership for signage we need around the space, designing, printing, laminating and hanging the signs. This will also include management of our digital signage systems in the space.

Safety Czar Someone with a background in firefighting or other safety related careers that would allow a person to make policy suggestions on where we can improve our makerspace to make more safe. Would also include implementing those suggestions and periodic reviews of the space to make sure we're compliant with adopted suggestions.

Kevin Masiulis

Social Media Director Someone with a background in social media to help promote activity at ChattLab including workshops and other events of interest. Experience with facebook, instagram and twitter is a must. Available!
Beverage stocker Someone that can buy soda and water when needed and fill the machine/fridge. Any money spent is reimbursed based upon receipts. Available!
Snack Monkey Someone with a Sams membership that can buy food inventory as needed, update prices and stock the snack drawers. Any money spent is reimbursed based upon receipts. Available!
Member Orientation Presenter Someone to provide a once a month orientation to new and prospective members to instruct them of the rules, policies and features of being a member of ChattLab.

Nathan Payne