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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I join and co-loc my business from your space?
Answer: No, that would be a violation of our 501c3 rules.

Question: My teenager loves computers. What activities do you have for him/her?
Answer: We are a club for adults, but we encourage you to bring your child and make something with them. See our policy regarding children for more information.

Question: What is my membership fee used for?
Answer: Our revenue helps pay rent, insurance and equipment repairs. No one in our organization gets paid. We do sometimes pay workshop instructors out of workshop fees.

Question: Does Chatt*lab receive government funds?
Answer: We are self sustaining from membership dues. We do not get any government revenue.

Question: Who owns Chatt*lab?
Answer: We are a public corporation that consists of members. We do not have a single or collection of owners other than our members. See our bylaws for more information.

Question: If Chatt*lab is public, why can't I use the equipment without membership?
Answer: We are a private club defined by a public corporation. It's owned by the membership, and membership is conditional on acceptance by the rules we define as a club.

Question: How do I join Chatt*lab?
Answer: See our section on how to become a member

Question: Is Chatt*lab a makerspace or a hackerspace?
Answer: We are a hackerspace variety of makerspace. See About Chattlab for a deeper explanation.

Question: If I join, can I leave my tools there?
Answer: Yes, but if they are in the space they will be available for general use by other members. This doesn't include tools that you may store in your personal storage bin, but don't bring a drill press and get upset if others use it. 90% of the tools you use there are other peoples' tools.

Question: I want to do a kind of “making” that you currently don't have tools for. What now?
Answer: As a member, we encourage you to bring this up with other members and see if there's any group interest in the idea. It could very well be a direction the club wants to take, or you can also use our space for this new method provided it fits in our space.
