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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can I join and co-loc my business from your space?
Answer: No, that would be a violation of our 501c3 rules.

Question: My teenager loves computers. What activities do you have for him/her?
Answer: We are a club for adults, but we encourage you to bring your child and make something with them. See our policies regarding children for more information.

Question: What is my membership fee used for?
Answer: Our revenue helps pay rent, insurance and equipment repairs. No one in our organization gets paid. We do sometimes pay workshop instructors out of workshop fees.

Question: Does Chatt*lab receive government funds?
Answer: We are self sustaining from membership dues. We do not get any government revenue.

Question: Who owns Chatt*lab?
Answer: We are a public corporation that consists of members. We do not have a single or collection of owners other than our members. See our bylaws for more information.

Question: If Chatt*lab is public, why can't I use the equipment without membership?
Answer: We are a private club defined by a public corporation. It's owned by the membership, and membership is conditional on acceptance by the rules we define as a club.

Question: How do I join Chatt*lab?
Answer: See our section on Membership