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bylaws [2023/04/11 14:20] Jeff Johnsonbylaws [2024/05/14 14:08] (current) Jeff Johnson
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 ====Section 1: Name==== ====Section 1: Name====
 The Name of this Corporation is Chattlab Makerspace Corporation. The Name of this Corporation is Chattlab Makerspace Corporation.
-====Section 2: Principal Office====+====Section 2: Principal Offices====
 The principal office of the Corporation is located in Hamilton County, State of Tennessee.  The address 100 Cherokee Blvd, Suite #125, Chattanooga TN, 37405 The principal office of the Corporation is located in Hamilton County, State of Tennessee.  The address 100 Cherokee Blvd, Suite #125, Chattanooga TN, 37405
 ====Section 3. Change of Address==== ====Section 3. Change of Address====