Camera Policy

For purposes of safety, liability and theft concerns, we have cameras in our space. They are recorded as well as sometimes viewed live by members of the leadership.

These cameras record 24/7 and can be reviewed later if an incident occurs. What kind of incidents may cause a review of prior events? Things like:

Some in our leadership, board members, or area leads have live access to a camera to periodically check up on an area, and in some cases to see if people are using proper PPE.

General Policies

  1. Signage is to be present on each door to notify members, and this policy is to be explained in each new member orientation.
  2. Audio is not being recorded, per federal law.
  3. Members may request a review of a situation, but it is not a right. The system administrator will review each request on a per request basis and will decide based on urgency and their personal availability.
  4. Opting out of being recorded is not an option. We understand that some may not like it, but this is not up for debate. Membership is optional, this policy is not. We appreciate your understanding.
  5. Any evidence of “stalking” or predatory activities by anyone in leadership viewing the feeds are subject to have their membership privileges removed.