Though we would love for all of our members to stay members forever, we realize that life gets in the way sometimes, either with moving to a different city, job situation or we just need to refocus on something else and can't use the makerspace as much as we had hoped.
You can either cancel which is a more permanent solution, or if you have hit hard times but still want to be involved, you can suspend for up to 2 months. The choice is yours.
Stopping payment or letting an annual membership lapse (not pay for the next year or get on monthly plan) is the same as canceling.
If you merely want to put a 1 or 2 month suspension on your membership, we can do that. Just email someone in leadership and they will put it on hold with it coming back on after a set period. You can only do this for 2 months, and once during a years time. Your materials will be safe and your fob will continue to work so you can come to events and the like. Suspending should only be done because of hardship or being out of town for an extended period. If a suspension occurs too many times, the leadership may elect not to renew and initiate the cancelling process. Pauses that go beyond 2 months require the member to re-apply for membership and acceptance is not a sure thing, based on a number of factors, most importantly being how you left, contributions made, and if the current membership count is at the limit.
To suspend, send a note to leadership asking to suspend and how long you wish to suspend (up to 2 months).
If you aren't removed from the email list by us, you can easily remove yourself by sending an email to “[email protected].” This will automatically drop you from the group.
If you happen to be on one of the email groups like [email protected] or the repair team such as [email protected], email Jeff directly and he'll remove you from those respective lists.
By not renewing an annual membership, or failure to make sure your monthly payment is active, your fob will stop working 30 days after your paid membership has expired and you have 5 days to collect the items in your bin before the contents are disposed/recycled. After 2 months of non-membership, ChattLab Makerspace requires the member to re-apply for membership and acceptance is based on a number of factors, most importantly being how you left, contributions made, and if the current membership count is at the limit.